Agency in the Classroom: Building the Right Conditions

Presented by Bill Zima and Ashley Avila


We cannot teach our students everything, so we must prepare them for anything. Being prepared requires one to have specific skill sets and mindsets of success. Teachers should intentionally plan to develop agency in all learners.

The four-part framework—inquiry starter, clear learning targets, application of knowledge, and reflection—shared in this edWebinar helps you build the conditions for agency in your classroom. We describe how the framework works in a classroom and how you can get started..

Learning Outcomes:

  • BECOME skilled at designing high-quality learning goals aligned to proficiency scales.
  • GAIN a better understanding of the new paradigm of assessment, which gathers evidence of learning and provides meaningful feedback to students on their progress.
  • LEARN to implement routines and processes in the classroom that generate a welcoming, safe, and orderly environment.



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