Transforming Teacher Development Webinar

Featuring Robert J. Marzano and Cameron L. Rains


We know that one of the most important factors in the quest to ensure high levels of learning for all students is the classroom teacher, yet teacher development has largely been neglected for many years. Resources such as time, money, and our focus as a profession have been spent on measuring teachers, and little attention has been paid to how best to help teachers grow. It is time we elevate teacher development and growth to the top of our collective priority list, where it belongs. This webinar will focus on the best way to do this and is geared toward teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators. Learn how to create a system of teacher development that ensures all teachers get better each year.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the science behind the development of expertise
  • Learn the six-step process for deliberate teaching practice
  • Investigate the best ways to reflect on your teaching
  • Learn how to help coach other teachers


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